less than 1 minute read

Gipfe!buch huts

  • go on the website in overview map
  • load all map
  • search for the name of a hut and download the link of the file (kml) e.g. https://www.gipfelbuch.ch/kml/overview/range/5.46072676846822,45.27359050815676,10.42105391690572,47.553043836578496/active/1
  • delete some balise
cp Gipfelbuch_huts.kml Gipfelbuch_huts_BU.kml

# remove peaks, pass and situation warnings
perl -i -pe "s|\<Placemark id\=.pea.*?\<\/Placemark\>||g" Gipfelbuch_huts.kml
perl -i -pe "s|\<Placemark id\=.pas.*?\<\/Placemark\>||g" Gipfelbuch_huts.kml
perl -i -pe "s|\<Placemark id\=.situ.*?\<\/Placemark\>||g" Gipfelbuch_huts.kml

# convert in gpx, but does not keep the names ...
gpsbabel -i kml -f Gipfelbuch_huts.kml -o gpx -F Gipfelbuch_huts.gpx

# add carriage return to work per line
perl -i -pe "s|<Placemark|\r\n<Placemark|g" Gipfelbuch_huts.kml

# get alone the name of the huts
perl -pe "s|.*(Hütte.*?)<.*|\1|p" Gipfelbuch_huts.kml | grep Hütte > kmlnames.txt

# remove soe shitty characters
perl -i -pe "s|\'| |g" kmlnames.txt

perl -i -pe "s|\„| |g" kmlnames.txt

# prepare a bash file to replace name in gpx by the real name
nrow=$(cat kmlnames.txt | wc -l)
echo "echo Script running" > Change_names.sh
for i in $( eval echo {001..$nrow} )
out=$(sed "${j}q;d" kmlnames.txt)
echo "perl -i -pe 's|${in}|${out}|g' Gipfelbuch_huts.gpx" >> Change_names.sh

# run it

# del what not needed
rm kmlnames.txt Change_names.sh
