1 minute read

How to create nice diagram from text files.

Use d2, you can install it via scoop


d2 -w your.d2 your.svg

edit your d2 file and see the result in the browser

export in png


npm install svgexport -g
svgexport input.svg output.png 64x

You can try it online :) here You can try it online :) here You can try it online :) here


vars: {
  d2-config: {
    layout-engine: dagre
	sketch: true
	theme-id: 301
	theme-overrides: {
      B2: "#E73331"
	  B1: "#E73331"
	  B4: "#fad2d1"

grid-columns: 2

H: Hardware

H: {
class: block
	C: Computer
	C.style.font-size: 30
	C.shape: diamond
	S: Switch
	S.style.font-size: 30
	S.shape: hexagon

	Ca: Camera
	Ca.style.font-size: 30
	P: Power Box for \nCamera (POI)
	P.style.font-size: 30

	D: Decoder
	D.style.font-size: 30

	I: InfraRed
	I.shape: circle

Ce: Explanation
Ce.style.stroke-dash: 5
Ce: {
	grid-columns: 1
	C1.shape: image
	C2.shape: image
	C3.shape: image
	C1.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IDCamPro__settings__001.png
	C2.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IDCamPro__settings__003.png
	C3.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IDCamPro__settings__002.png
	C1.width: 1200
	C2.width: 1200
	C3.width: 1200
	C1.height: 400
	C2.height: 400
	C3.height: 400

De: Explanation
De.style.stroke-dash: 5
De: {
	grid-columns: 1
	D2.shape: image
	D3.shape: image
	D2.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IMG_20240429_095340.jpg
	D3.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IMG_20240429_095356.jpg
	D2.width: 1100
	D3.width: 1100
	D2.height: 300
	D3.height: 300

Ie: Explanation
Ie.style.stroke-dash: 5
Ie: {
	grid-columns: 2
	explanation: |md
		## Turn on or off
		- Keep pressing the On/Off button until the led turn green
		- Release
		- Press again and keep pressing, led turns orange, until led turn red
		## Config
		All led should be on with the config button
		## Cable 
		Try to switch the 2 cable if it is not working (blue and black)
	|  {
		width: 500
	I1.shape: image
	I2.shape: image
	I1.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IMG_20240429_095135.jpg
	I2.icon: C:/Users/doria/Downloads/Drive/RR/Software/Camera_IR_diagram/IMG_20240429_095225.jpg
	I1.height: 300
	I2.width: 400
	I2.height: 400

H: {
	S <-> D: lan
	S <-> P <-> Ca: lan
	D <-> I: IR cable
	S <-> C : lan

H.C -> Ce { style: {stroke-dash: 5}}
H.I -> Ie { style: {stroke-dash: 5}}
H.D -> De { style: {stroke-dash: 5}}
