Create a pdf from a batch of photos, batch convertion jpg to pdf, scan a book with a camera
This technique may be used for special occasion but I do not recommend to do it for scanning an entire book.
The process is simple and usually this can be done quickly with a Smartphone and dedicated apps. However to keep the quality and to gain in speed I decided to scan a book via a mirror reflex (Camera), crop them and reduce the quality of the picture in batch and convert them in 1 pdf.
I would use then for this:
- Irfanview or ImageMagick for rotation if needed
- Irfanview for the croping and resizing
- Gow
- ImageMagick for the convertion in pdf,
- Rotation using ImageMagick
shell mogrify -rotate "-90" *.jpg
- Crop and resize with Irfanview. It is done in batch, meaning that the position your book in your picture should stay the same throughout the all process.
- Open Irfanview
- Open a picture and select what you wanna crop
- Press B or menu File/Batch Conversion rename …
- Select Conversion, select your output format (jpg)
- Use Advanced options and define then: Click on Advanced
- Select crop (click on “get current selection”)
- Select resize, set a new size in percentage (up to you, you have to try)
- Select your files
- Select your output folder (other folder that input)
- Start Batch
- Convert in pdf with ImageMagick
- Open a command prompt in the folder where your crop and resized pictures are
- Run
shell for /F "usebackq delims=" %A in (
ls ^|grep -s jpg ^| tr “\n” “ “) do convert -quality 85 %A output.pdf
ls ^|grep -s jpg ^| tr "\n" " "
will get the file of the jpg and put them in 1 line- the rest will convert it, I need to use a loop because windows is not as flexible as linux to pass the output of a cmd as parameter for another one.
- Info on Gow and other linux tools : []
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