Complexer example in my leaflet page
Load multiple gpx
var Schitour = ['gpx/Schitour/2016_biet_weglosen.gpx',
for (var i = 0; i < Schitour.length; i += 1) {
var g = new L.GPX(Schitour[i], {async: true, parseElements: ['track'], polyline_options: { color: 'blue'}});
Popup on click
var g = new L.GPX(gpx, {
async: true,
parseElements: ['track'],
polyline_options: {
color: 'blue'
g.on('loaded', function(e) {
var gpx = e.target,
name = gpx.get_name(),
distM = gpx.get_distance(),
distKm = distM / 1000,
distKmRnd = distKm.toFixed(1),
eleGain = gpx.get_elevation_gain().toFixed(0),
eleLoss = gpx.get_elevation_loss().toFixed(0);
var info = "Name: " + name + "</br>" +
"Distance: " + distKmRnd + " km </br>" +
"Elevation Gain: " + eleGain + " m </br>";
// register popup on click
Popup on mouseover
var g = new L.GPX(gpx, {
async: true,
parseElements: ['track'],
polyline_options: {
color: 'blue'
g.on('mouseover', function(e) {
var gpx = e.target,
name = gpx.get_name(),
distM = gpx.get_distance(),
distKm = distM / 1000,
distKmRnd = distKm.toFixed(1),
eleGain = gpx.get_elevation_gain().toFixed(0),
eleLoss = gpx.get_elevation_loss().toFixed(0);
var info = "Name: " + name + "</br>" +
"Distance: " + distKmRnd + " km </br>" +
"Elevation Gain: " + eleGain + " m </br>"
var popLocation = e.latlng;
var popup = L.popup()
g.on('mouseout', function(e) {
Highlight or change color on mouseover
var g = new L.GPX(gpx, {
async: true,
parseElements: ['track'],
polyline_options: {
color: 'blue'
g.on('mouseover', function(e) {
e.target.setStyle({opacity: 0.7, weight: 10});
// if you want only to keep same color and change weight and so on ...
//e.target.setStyle({color: 'yellow'});
g.on('mouseout', function(e) {
e.target.setStyle({color: 'blue'});
// if you want only to keep same color and change weight and so on ...
//e.target.setStyle({opacity: 1, weight: 3});