Easy Commands
Command to dowload the audio from a video or playlist:
youtube-dl -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 0 -c --yes-playlist -i the-url-of-your-video
Command to download a video (best quality):
youtube-dl -f best the-url-of-your-video
Command to download a video (with choosen quality): Get the list of possible format …
youtube-dl -F the-url-of-your-video
Choose one and run the following line
youtube-dl -f format-choosen the-url-of-your-video
This little batch file will ask you the url of a video and give you the choise to download only the audio or the video (with choosing the format if you need).
You will have to change the 2 variables:
- pathexe
- wd
- set pathexe=C:\Users\DGrv\Downloads\Software\Youtube-dl\youtube-dl.exe
- set wd=C:\Users\DGrv\Downloads\Youtube_music
Use brackets “” if you have space in your path.
For noobies.
- Download Youtube-dl, if you have windows, download the Windows.exe. Move it to a safe folder where you know where it is. Note path of the file.
- Download ffmpeg as well for your system and place it as well in the same folder
- Copy the following lines of codes in a txt file (with notepad for example), change the 2 variables explained above and save it as a .bat file.
- Run the bat file and enjoy.
Example of easy batch:
@echo off
echo Will download the audio of a youtube video in C:Users\DGrv\Downloads\Software\Youtube-dl
set pathexe=C:\path-of-your\youtube-dl.exe
set wd=path-of-your-output-folder
cd %wd%
set /p url="Enter the url: "
set /p choice="Do you want to download the audio or the video ? (Audio=1, Video=2) "
if "%choice%"=="1" (
%pathexe% -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 0 -c --yes-playlist -i %url%
if "%choice%"=="2" (
set /p choice2="Choose your format (1) and choose best (2): "
if "%choice2%"=="2" (
%pathexe% -f best %url%
if "%choice2%"=="1" (
set choice=3
%pathexe% -F %url%
set /p format="Which one do you want: "
if "%choice%"=="3" (
%pathexe% -f %format% %url%
The updated version is here with the code here:
// ./files/Batch/Youtube-dl/Dowload_Youtube-dl.txt
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " _____ _ _____ _ "
echo " | __ \ (_) / ____| (_) "
echo " | | | | ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ | | __ _ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ "
echo " | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ _` | '_ \ | | |_ | '__/ _` \ \ / / |/ _ \ '__| "
echo " | |__| | (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | |__| | | | (_| |\ V /| | __/ | "
echo " |_____/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \_____|_| \__,_| \_/ |_|\___|_| "
echo " "
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo Code permitting users to choose rapidly how to download videos or audio using youtube-dl (
:: ------------- Variables
set pathexe=C:\Users\doria\Downloads\Software\Youtube-dl\youtube-dl.exe
set wd=C:\Users\doria\Downloads\Youtube_music
:: -------------- Info
echo Batch written by Dorian Gravier, free of use and modification
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
echo This batch script is only allowing user to use in a simple way Youtube-dl from
echo Will download the audio or video in %wd%
echo When it is not anymore functionning: try to redownload the software on
echo TIPS
echo ----
echo If you wanna download a playlist you have to be sure that you have a link with a list info :
echo - list=PL-G7EJFoxFcfVIc4EzytG-UhFVBq9AEKs
echo for example:
REM echo --------------------------------------------------------
REM echo UPDATE Check youtube-dl
REM %pathexe% -U
REM echo --------------------------------------------------------
REM echo.
REM echo.
REM echo.
REM echo.
:: -------------- User choice
set /p url="Enter the url or type 'list' if you wanna give a txt file: "
set /p newfolder="Do you want to dowload it in a new folder ? (No=1, Yes=2) "
set /p choice="Do you want to download the audio or the video ? (Audio=1, Video=2) "
if "%url%"=="list" (
set /p listpath="WHERE is your txt file ?"
set /p url=<!listpath!
REM to get first line
REM set /p url=<!listpath!
if "%choice%"=="2" (
set /p choice2="Choose your format (1) and choose best (2): "
if "!choice2!"=="1" (
%pathexe% -F --playlist-items 1 %url%
set /p format="Which one do you want: "
echo ----- START
cd %wd%
if "%newfolder%"=="2" (
:: create timestamp depending on timeformat (language time settings) English will print Mon 09/03/2020 and FR 03/09/2020
set /a check=%DATE:~0,1%
set check2=%DATE:~0,1%
if "%check%"=="%check2%" (
set TIMESTAMP=%DATE:~6,4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%-%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%
) else (
set TIMESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%-%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%
echo ------- Create folder
:: check if sed command exist (from gow), would extract name playlist, if not use timpestamp for folder
echo --------- No sed cmd so create timestamp folder
:: Create a new directory
cd %wd%\!TIMESTAMP!
) else (
echo --------- Extract playlist name
:: get title of the playlist
%pathexe% -F --playlist-items 1 %url% > temp
:: check if if the string playlist is in the file
type temp | grep playlist | sed -n 1p > temp2
set /p boolplaylist=<temp2
if "!boolplaylist!" == "" (
:: Create a new directory
rm temp
rm temp2
cd %wd%\!TIMESTAMP!
) else (
sed -n 2p temp | sed "s/\[download] Downloading playlist: //g" | sed "s/://g"> playlisttitle
set /p playlisttitle=<playlisttitle
md "!playlisttitle!"
rm temp
rm temp2
rm playlisttitle
cd "%wd%\!playlisttitle!"
echo ----------- Download Videos
if "%choice%"=="1" (
if "%url%"=="list" (
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%listpath%") do %pathexe% -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 0 -c --yes-playlist -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -i %%A
) else (
%pathexe% -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 0 -c --yes-playlist -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -i %url%
if "%choice%"=="2" (
if "!choice2!"=="2" (
if "%url%"=="list" (
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%listpath%") do %pathexe% --write-auto-sub -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -f best %%A
) else (
%pathexe% --write-auto-sub -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -f best %url%
if "!choice2!"=="1" (
if "%url%"=="list" (
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%listpath%") do %pathexe% --write-auto-sub -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -f %format% %%A
) else (
%pathexe% --write-auto-sub -o "%%(playlist_index)s___%%(uploader)s__-__%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" -f %format% %url%
for %%i in ("NA___*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:NA___=!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
for %%i in ("*Topic__-__*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:Topic__-__=!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
for %%i in ("* Official Audio*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:" (Official Audio)"=""!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
for %%i in ("*(*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:"("="-"!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
for %%i in ("*)*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:")"="-"!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
for %%i in ("*'*") do (
set name=%%~ni
set ext=%%~xi
set name=!name:"'"=""!
rename "%%i" "!name!!ext!"
:: OTHER manual command
REM C:\Users\gravier\Downloads\Software\Youtube-dl\youtube-dl.exe -x --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 0 -c --yes-playlist --playlist-start 1 --playlist-end 50 -i
REM C:\Users\gravier\Downloads\Software\Youtube-dl\youtube-dl.exe -f 18 --yes-playlist --playlist-start 4 --playlist-end 8 -i
exit 0