Convert csv to gpx via GPSBabel
I was getting some coordinate on the web and wanted to create gpx waypoints in order to import this on my Handy via Locus.
The easiest way to do for me was to use again GPSBabel.
You will actually find all info in the documentation here.
However to make it simple, we will use the format “unicsv” from GPSbabel, this is just meaning that you can use headers and add much more info than just importing a csv with 3 columns (latitude, longitude, name).
Here an example of my csv:
Latitude Longitude Name Description
46.7890323730044 6.46634113331657 Aiguille de Baulmes *** Routen: 3a bis 7b
47.5926110548875 8.13031337617312 Albbruck ***** Routen: 3b bis 7c
47.283307581786 7.38204271694843 Arête spéciale **** Routen: 5c
47.2445693869596 7.53759512779623 Balmflue *** Routen: 4b bis 8a
47.9210178166044 7.23398344505069 Bergholtz **** Routen: 4c bis 8a
47.2033541618104 7.19107035686303 Blanche-Neige ** Routen: 4a bis 5a
47.191019092469 7.20897962212162 Bonnes Fontaines **** Routen: 3a bis 7b
47.2965669454085 7.7044582067714 Bränten *** Routen: 6a
and my cmd.
gpsbabel -i unicsv -f input.csv -o gpx -F output.gpx
Load it into to test it