How to create a matrix of image automatically with ImageMagick even from different sizes
Goal is to create a matrix of image to have an overview or whatever you want with.
You need in your PATH
- ImageMagick
- You need to install git and have it before the PATH of your system32 folder (check info here)
- when you run
where sort
you should have yourC:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sort.exe
before yourC:\Windows\System32\sort.exe
- when you run
Put all your files in a folder and run this batch script that you can find here It will ask you:
- How many files you need in width
- and a width to resize the final picture to have a low resolution as well (by keeping the final resolution).
It will work as follow:
- Copy the images in a new folder
- get the minimum height
- resize all picture to the minimum height
- get minimum width
- crop in the center the image with bigger width than the minimum one
- create a random list of the files (take time and it was difficult to do)
- repeat 5 times to give the user a choice
It is not perfect because each row are not the same length but did not find a fast and easy solution to counter this.
And here an example:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " _____ _ _____ _ "
echo " | __ \ (_) / ____| (_) "
echo " | | | | ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ | | __ _ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ "
echo " | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ _` | '_ \ | | |_ | '__/ _` \ \ / / |/ _ \ '__| "
echo " | |__| | (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | |__| | | | (_| |\ V /| | __/ | "
echo " |_____/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \_____|_| \__,_| \_/ |_|\___|_| "
echo " "
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo Will create a stitch matrix of picture that you have in one folder.
where magick
echo "[DEBUG] - Magick is missing !!!!!!!!"
for /f %%a in ('where sort ^| head -1 ^| grep "usr" ^| wc -l') do set so=%%a
IF not %so%==1 (
echo "[DEBUG] - git does not seem to be installed"
set /p wd=Give your folder were your pictures are (only your pictures):
set /p nw="How many picture you want as width ? "
REM set /p ext="Which extension file ? "
set /p resize="Width max after resizing of final picture (original will be kept) ? "
REM set nw=6
set /a nwn=nw
REM set ext=jpg
for %%a in (%wd%) do (
REM set pathh=%%~dpa
REM set filename=%%~nxa
REM set filenamenoext=%%~na
REM set filepathnoext=%%~dpna
REM set ext=%%~xa
set drive=%%~da
cd %wd%
for /f %%i in ('ls -1 ^| wc -l') do set numberoffile=%%i
set /a nhn=numberoffile/nwn
set /a repeatloop=numberoffile*4
set /a retry=5
echo [95m[DEBUG] --------------------------
echo %numberoffile% files
echo %nwn% w x %nhn% h
echo will retry %retry% times
echo ----------------------------------[0m
mkdir temp_stitch
for %%f in (*) do (
set filenamenoext=%%~nf
set ext=%%~xf
copy "%%f" "%wd%\temp_stitch\!filenamenoext!_inbtw!ext!"
cd temp_stitch
REM Get minimum height and weight
for /f %%a in ('magick identify -format %%w\n * ^| sort -n ^| head -1') do set /a wmin=%%a
for /f %%a in ('magick identify -format %%w\n * ^| sort -n ^| head -1') do set /a hmin=%%a
REM :: test did not finish
REM for %%f in (*) do (
REM for /f %%a in ('magick identify -format %%w %%f') do set /a w=%%a
REM for /f %%a in ('magick identify -format %%h %%f') do set /a h=%%a
REM set /a ratio=w*100/h
REM echo !ratio!
mogrify -resize x%hmin% *
mogrify -crop %wmin%x+0+0 -gravity Center *
REM ((for %%f in (*.jpg) do @echo %%f) > list.files)
REM echo [DEBUG] - list.files done && pause
set n=0
for %%f in (*_inbtw*) do (
set /A n+=1
set "file[!n!]=%%f"
set /a nretry=0
echo Create random series nretry --------------------
touch random
for /l %%f in (1,1,%repeatloop%) do (
REM echo %%f
set /A "rand=(n*!random!)/32768+1"
for /f %%i in ('grep "s!rand!e" random ^| wc -l') do set check=%%i
for /f %%i in ('cat random ^| wc -l') do set /a nlines=%%i+1
if NOT !check!==1 (
echo s!rand!e >> random
REM echo [DEBUG] - wrote random
echo !nlines!/%numberoffile%
) else (
REM echo [DEBUG] - DID NOT wrote random
for /f %%i in ('cat random ^| wc -l') do set check2=%%i
if !check2!==!numberoffile! goto next
copy random random2
for /L %%z in (1,1,%nhn%) do (
REM :next
REM echo [DEBUG] - went to next && pause
FOR /L %%X IN (1,1,%nwn%) DO (
set /p firstline=<random2
set firstline=!firstline:s=!
set firstline=!firstline:e=!
rename random2 random2.temp
more +1 random2.temp > random2
del random2.temp
REM echo firstline = !firstline!
FOR %%h in (!firstline!) do rename "!file[%%h]!" "!file[%%h]!_ready.jpg"
magick convert +append *_ready.jpg outwidth%%z.jpg
for %%i in (*_ready.jpg) do (
set filenameold=%%i
set filenamenew=!filenameold:_ready.jpg=!
REM echo rename "!filenameold!" "!filenamenew!"
rename "!filenameold!" "!filenamenew!"
set /a nretry+=1
magick convert -append outwidth* OUTPUT_STITCH_%nretry%.jpg
magick convert OUTPUT_STITCH_%nretry%.jpg -resize %resize%x OUTPUT_STITCH_%nretry%_low.jpg
move OUTPUT_STITCH_%nretry%.jpg ..
move OUTPUT_STITCH_%nretry%_low.jpg ..
del random random2
for %%g in (outwidth*) do del "%%g"
if not %nretry%==%retry% goto :continue
for %%j in (*_inbtw.jpg) do del "%%j"
cd ..
rmdir /S /Q temp_stitch