Create a nice ‘where is Charlie/Waldo/Wally’ poster with removing the background automatically in windows
Tools used
Goal is to create a matrix of image to have an overview or whatever you want with.
I will not explain the all detail why and how because I just do not know. I just post what fixed this on my case:
I wanted to create an animation with krita which is pretty easy AND add some real time animation where I am drawing. I did not find a way to do it with krita...
How to use lua in windows:
To get the longest common string on a vector of strings in R, I adapted the answer of @Rich Scriven to my purpose. The goal is to find in a vector the longes...
```r library(data.table)
```r library(data.table) library(rgdal) library(ggmap)
```r library(ggmap) library(data.table) library(ggplot2)
Via R using Regex expression (meaning almost any languages) you can replace the Nth occurrence of a character in a string (source). Here a code example that ...
I was getting some coordinate on the web and wanted to create gpx waypoints in order to import this on my Handy via Locus.
How can you effectively extract text from a pdf or an image ? commmonly called OCR (optical character recognition). I found 2 extremly powerfull tools based ...
I was actually looking to normalize the audio from a video and realized that this is not so easy. By going through internet I found a pretty nice solution : ...
This technique may be used for special occasion but I do not recommend to do it for scanning an entire book.
I use often FFmpeg with batch script that I did. I usually create videos from GoPro footages in few minutes without having to pass through any software. This...
If you buy a new Handy which is not a Samsung and you wanna restore your notes on this one using Google Keep or either export them all in txt files and get t...
I always wanted to have a way to go rapidly through the structure of long markdown files in Notepad++. Because this is a great little, simple, fast software...
I looked few times for such solution and found a pretty satisfying one and easy to install on a github page. All the comment will stay on your website and yo...
I have already done 2 posts for adding a context menu for convertir jpeg to pdf and word to pdf. Right now I found something interesting to reduce the qualit...
Goal is to update values from 1 or several variables from a data.table (X) with values of variables from another data.table (Y).