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Cmder a fency terminal

1 minute read

I do a lot of easy coding with batch files. So you can imagine that I could have sometimes several cmd windows open here and there … what a mess.

Context menu export to pdf word document

1 minute read

I prefer to read pdf than word document. Word is for me only if the document is unfinished but if I want to look for something, pdf are for me much better an...

Magick tricks

less than 1 minute read

Few new batch file with Magick

npm and browserify

1 minute read

I faced a problem by continuing tp program on the leaflet page of the webpage. My goal is to give the possibility to draw gpx (or at the end to export gpx) f...

Leaflet: GraphHopper test

less than 1 minute read

I am trying to build a code that could draw lines following roads. A lot of tools are existing for this but I wanna learn and do my own. Of course I am using...

Leaflet: load gpx

less than 1 minute read

Again a new leaflet option to laod a gpx using leaflet.FileLayer.

Leaflet: Geocoding

less than 1 minute read

I added the possibility to search a place a jump the map to the find location. I used the leaflet-control-geocoder plugin.

New leaflet layers: DAV Huts

less than 1 minute read

While I was planing a Ski tour I landed on a DAV website to reserve Hut. I realize that their URL is ending by an ID:

New layers in leaflet - Slope

less than 1 minute read

I was looking for such informations since a long time Slope. I finally discovered the recent project from OpenSlopeMap. Exactly like me their goal is to be a...

Add variable to PATH (Windows)

less than 1 minute read

New batch file created in order to add variable to PATH fast, easily and wihtout creating duplicates :)

Leaflet ready to use

1 minute read

I created a Leaflet map with 2 layers for the moment and all my gpx. The goal is to be able to have an overview of the projects and possibilities I have when...