Create an alias to reduce the frame rate of video if above a certain value in bash
Here is the code:
It will reduce the frame rate from a video to 60 if greater than 60, in the current folder.
for i in *mp4; do
fr=$(exiftool -n -T -VideoFrameRate -s3 $i);
fr=$(calc -d "round($fr)");
fr=$(echo $fr);
if [[ "$fr" -gt "60" ]]; then
nname="$(basename $i .mp4)___old_fr-$fr.mp4";
mv "$i" "$nname";
cecho -g "Convert $i:";
ffmpeg -stats -loglevel error -i "$nname" -r 60 "$i";
Insert this in your ~/.bashrc.
alias'for i in *mp4; do fr=$(exiftool -n -T -VideoFrameRate -s3 $i); fr=$(calc -d "round($fr)"); fr=$(echo $fr); if [[ "$fr" -gt "60" ]]; then nname="$(basename $i .mp4)___old_fr-$fr.mp4"; mv "$i" "$nname"; cecho -g "Convert $i:"; ffmpeg -stats -loglevel error -i "$nname" -r 60 "$i"; echo; fi; done'