Update join data.table: How to update variable of a data.table base on another data.table
Goal is to update values from 1 or several variables from a data.table (X) with values of variables from another data.table (Y).
Let’s imagine that you have in X 3 variables and Y with others
> X <- X2 <- X3 <- data.table(id = 1:5, L = letters[1:5], PS = rep(59, 5))
> X
id L PS
1: 1 a 59
2: 2 b 59
3: 3 c 59
4: 4 d 59
5: 5 e 59
> Y <- data.table(id = 3:5, id2 = 11:13, L = c("z", "g", "h"), PS = rep(61, 3))
> Y
id id2 L PS
1: 3 11 z 61
2: 4 12 g 61
3: 5 13 h 61
You wanna now based on ‘id’ exchange the variable ‘L’:
> update.DT(DATA1 = X, DATA2 = Y, join.variable = "id", overwrite.variable = c("L"), overwrite.with.variable = c("L"))
id L PS
1: 1 a 59
2: 2 b 59
3: 3 z 59
4: 4 g 59
5: 5 h 59
Or ‘L’ and ‘PS’ based on ‘id’:
> update.DT(DATA1 = X2, DATA2 = Y, join.variable = "id", overwrite.variable = c("L", "PS"), overwrite.with.variable = c("L", "PS"))
id L PS
1: 1 a 59
2: 2 b 59
3: 3 z 61
4: 4 g 61
5: 5 h 61
Or maybe you wanna also update ‘id’ in addition:
> update.DT(DATA1 = X2, DATA2 = Y, join.variable = "id", overwrite.variable = c("L", "PS", "id"), overwrite.with.variable = c("L", "PS", "id2"))
id L PS
1: 1 a 59
2: 2 b 59
3: 11 z 61
4: 12 g 61
5: 13 h 61
Here the function resulting from this:
update.DT <- function(DATA1, DATA2, join.variable, overwrite.variable, overwrite.with.variable) {
if( missing( overwrite.with.variable )) {
overwrite.with.variable <- overwrite.variable
cat("[INFO] - your 'overwrite.with.variable' will be 'overwrite.variable', since you did not defined it.\n\n")
DATA1[DATA2, c(overwrite.variable) := mget(p0("i.", overwrite.with.variable)), on = join.variable][]